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Sounds of Resistance - Brazil Tour 2024

Sons de Resistência - Brazil Tour 2024

The Sons de Resistência (Sounds of Resistance) Brazilian tour, supported by DGArtes, promises to be an exhilarating sonic journey, weaving together diverse musical traditions and cutting-edge experimentation. Led by the renowned percussionist, composer, producer and researcher Luís Bittencourt, this groundbreaking initiative will unfold in multiple cities, including São Paulo, João Pessoa, Salvador, and Belo Horizonte in 2024. In addition, Bittencourt will be premiering some works from his recent solo album, Instrumentalities and Audible Volitions (available here).

Bittencourt's performances are characterized by a fusion of tradition and innovation, pushing the boundaries of sound exploration while paying homage to the rich heritage of Brazilian and international music. This tour represents a captivating exploration of the multifaceted world of music, blending genres, cultures, and techniques to create a harmonious and thought-provoking auditory experience that resonates with themes of resistance and artistic evolution.

Dates and venues to be announced soon, stay tuned!